12/12 | Together we are Making A Difference:フィリピンの子どもの権利について英語で共に学ぶ対面イベント

University students from The Netherlands and Japan with cooperation with Japanese NGO “ACC21” organize the event “Together we are Making A Difference” will be held on December 12th, 2024 at Bunkyo Gakuin University.
For details, please check peatix (https://acc21event1212.peatix.com/)
※This event will be held in English
They will talk about what is child rights and what kind of laws and regulations guaranteeing children’s rights exist in the Philippines. From the Philippines, a former street child who became a role model helping street children and youths will talk about the world of street children in the Philippines and their “dreams” for a just society.
The Event will be held in person at Bunkyo Gakuin University in Tokyo.
Please join us at the event and let’s think together about what we can do to protect the children. We are looking forward to seeing many of you there!
Topics in the event:
⬥ What is the “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, which defines the rights of all children around the world?
⬥ How are child rights and protection stipulated in the relevant laws of the Philippines, a country that has ratified the Convention?
⬥ How are the problems faced by the 370,000 street children and their families in the Philippines protected and supported by these relevant laws?
⬥ What is the reality on the ground?
\Outline of the event/
Together we are Making A Difference
A Collaborative Learning event about children’s rights in the Philippines
[Date] December 12, 2024 (Thursday) 17:00-19:00 (Doors open at 16:45)
[Venue] Bunkyo Gakuin University Tokyo Campus – Classroom: S405
-Ms. Francisca Carvalho (International intern of ACC21)
-Mr. Jude Natividad (Former street child)
-Ms. Mei Ishiyama (Student staff of ACC21)
[Capacity] 30 people
[Participation fee] Free of charge (We welcome donation to ACC21)
[Organizers] Asian Community Center 21 (ACC21) (Authorized Non-Profit Organization)
\Program (tentative) /
● Opening remarks
● Introduction of ACC21 and Children rights
● Discussion
● Presentation about children protection Laws in the Philippines
● Presentation by a former street child and insights on the situation in the Philippines
● Question and answer session, exchange of opinions
● Discussion and Workshop to deepen understanding
● Closing remarks
\How to register/
Please register through the link:
The deadline for registration is December 11th (Wed) at 12:00 pm (noon) Japan time.
If you have any questions, please contact (event@acc21.org).
\Access to the venue/
The closest station is Todaimae (Nanboku line). Please take exit 2 and turn left to get to Bunkyo Gakuin University [MAP].
The event will be held in room S405 in the S-Building. The S-Building is at the entrance of the university on the right. After entering the building, go to the 4th floor by elevator and look for room 405.
\Profile of Speakers/
Guest speaker from the Philippines
◎Mr. Jude Natividad.
At the age of 6, he lost the house he lived in due to his father’s debts and was forced to live on the streets. At the age of 7, he joined the street education program of Child Hope Philippines Foundation, an NGO he met by chance, which helped him gain knowledge and experience as well as become a leader in child rights advocacy. He repeatedly took time off from school to make ends meet, but with the support of a philanthropist, he graduated from college last year, and in 2018 was elected chair of the Youth Council, which promotes youth activities in barangays (the smallest administrative unit in the Philippines), and in 2022 received an award from the City of Manila and the National Youth Council, which reports directly to the Office of the President, for his work in the Corona Disaster. Currently, he is a member of the Child Hope Philippines Foundation, a local partner organization of ACC21, and is in charge of collaborative projects with ACC21 and the “Street Children ZERO” campaign.
◎Ms. Francisca Carvalho
As an intern at ACC21, Francisca is an international social work student from the Netherlands, she lived in 6 different countries. She was born in Portugal, moved to Luxembourg and lives now in France with her mother. She lived in Germany, the Netherlands and now in Japan for her studies. Speaking 6 languages, and now learning 3 more, she considers herself someone international and culturally sensitive.
Growing up in a difficult family, she became someone independent and always ready to help others. She has a big heart and wants to help everyone as much as she can, even if it’s just a small change, she wants to make a difference. She wants to live life to the fullest and learn as much as she can in the process. She always dreamed of coming to Japan and now being here she feels like she achieved her goal. As an intern at ACC21, she was involved in evaluation activities for the project in the Philippines ( “Project Bamboo: Street Youth Empowerment Project”) and research on child-related laws in the Philippines. In this event, based on her experience, she will make a presentation on laws and regulations that guarantee children’s rights in the Philippines.
◎Ms. Mei Ishiyama
Mei is a senior at Bunkyo Gakuin University, majoring in English communication. She is currently writing a graduation thesis on empowerment of women in India, focusing on approaches using Self-Help Groups. She has studied abroad in the United States, South Korea, and participated in field work in Cambodia. Her experience in Cambodia and what she saw had a big impact on her future plans, making her want to help people and protect children’s future. Working part-time at ACC21 has let Mei experience different kinds of tasks including translation, event planning, and PR activities. She is very excited to exchange ideas and opinions with you at the event!
◎What is ACC21?
The Asian Community Center 21 (ACC21) is an international cooperation NGO that has been working to reduce poverty in Asia since 2005, based on a network of more than 100 local NGOs in 13 Asian countries. Since 2018, ACC21 has worked on issues concerning street children through “Project Bamboo” in collaboration with Childhope Philippines Foundation (Life skill and vocational training for street youths) and “Zero Street Children in the Philippines” campaign (co-organizer: ACRP Tokyo).
For more information, please visit: Website|Facebook |Instagram
12月12日(木)夕方、日本の国際協力NGO・ACC21でインターン/スタッフとして働くオランダと日本の大学生が、英語で共に学ぶ対面イベント「Together we are Making A Difference」を東京・文京学院大学で開催します。
このイベントは東京 の文京学院大学で開催される、「対面イベント」です!
l 世界のすべての子どもたちの権利を定めた「子どもの権利条約」とは?
l 条約批准国・フィリピンの子ども保護に関する関連法では、子どもの権利と保護はどのように規定されている?
l フィリピンの37万人のストリートチルドレンとその家族は、これらの関連法によってどのように保護され、支援されているのか?
l フィリピンの現実とは?
Together we are Making A Difference
A Collaborative Learning event about children’s rights in the Philippines
【会場】文京学院大学東京キャンパス S405教室
【定員】 30名
【参加費】 無料(ACC21への寄付を歓迎します)
【主催】 認定NPO法人アジア・コミュニティ・センター21(ACC21)
l 開会のごあいさつ
l ACC21と子どもの権利の紹介
l ディスカッション
l フィリピンの子ども保護法についてのプレゼンテーション
l 元ストリートチルドレンによる講演とフィリピンの現状について
l 質疑応答、意見交換
l ディスカッションとワークショップ
l クロージング
Peatixページ (https://acc21event1212.peatix.com/) からお申込みいただくか、下記リンクよりお申し込みください:
ACC21のインターンでは、フィリピン事業「Project Bamboo:路上で暮らす若者の自立支援プロジェクト」の評価活動やフィリピンの子ども関連法についての調査に従事。本イベントでは、その経験から、フィリピンにおける子どもの権利を保障する法律・規則について発表する。
認定 NPO法人アジア・コミュニティ・センター21(ACC21)は、アジア各国の100を超える現地NGOとのネットワークを基盤に、2005年からアジアの貧困削減に取り組む国際協力NGOです。フィリピンでは、“2030年までにストリートチルドレンをゼロにする”を目標に現地NGOや政府の人たちとの協働を進めるとともに、現地NGOと協働で若者の自立支援にも取り組んでいます。
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